Heritage Assistance Fund
The heritage assistance fund provides financial assistance to landowners, companies, or community groups to maintain, repair or conserve a heritage place or for preparation of conservation management plans for a heritage place within the municipality.
By ‘place’, we mean houses, farm buildings, fences, dry stone walls, gardens, landscapes, or archaeological sites which have recognised heritage significance.
The grant is not available for projects that have already commenced.
The fund can provide up to 50% of the cost of works proposed and applicants must match Council’s contribution. The fund is competitive and not all applications will be automatically approved.
For example: if you apply to the fund for painting works and the quote is for $6000, Council will not pay more than $3000, which is 50% of the cost of the project.
Applicants can apply to the fund more than once, but not in the same funding round.
More information
A copy of the Melton Heritage Assistance Fund guidelines are available at Council or can be viewed below.
Should you have any queries regarding the fund or need assistance with submitting your application, please contact our Strategic Planning team on 9747 7200 or email citysupport@melton.vic.gov.au.