Community Satisfaction Survey
The Annual Community Satisfaction Survey has been conducted for 10 years. Comparison data dates back to 2015.
In 2024, the survey was conducted independently by research company Metropolis Research Pty Ltd, throughout May and June 2024. The survey involved researchers going door to door at 800 randomly selected households in the City of Melton. Results are expected to be available late 2024.
The 2023 Household Community Satisfaction Survey Results
The 2023 survey results(PDF, 3MB) indicate that Melton City Council recorded an overall satisfaction score of 6.9 out of 10, a six per cent increase from the previous year. The satisfaction result was marginally lower than the metropolitan Melbourne (7.0) and western region councils’ (7.0) averages.
The average satisfaction with the 31 included Council services and facilities included in the survey increased by 4 per cent this year to 7.5, which is a “very good” level of satisfaction.
Satisfaction at an “excellent” level was observed with:
- regular garbage collection (8.7)
- regular recycling (8.6)
- green waste collection service (8.5)
- library services (8.4)
- Melton Recycling Facility (8.1)
- hard rubbish collection (8.0)
- provision of community events and festivals (7.9)
- animal management (7.8)
- sports grounds and associated facilities (7.8)
The top five issues in the City of Melton identified by survey respondents were traffic management (25%); roads including roadworks (13%); parks, gardens and open spaces (12%); safety, policing and crime (8%); and health and medical services (6%).
For further information about the Survey please contact Council on 9747 7200.