Fire Prevention and Risk Management

For life threatening emergencies call triple zero (000)
For all current emergencies and warnings in your area visit:
Vic Emergency website


Download the Vic Emergency app from:

Councils role

What we do to Reduce Fire Risk

We’re a member of a multi-agency committee who plan and publish the Municipal Fire Management Plan.  The plan identifies hazards that can place the community of Melton at risk from the impact of fire and links treatments to reduce the level of those risks.  It lists partner agencies and departments responsible for managing these treatments.

View the Municipal Fire Management Plan(DOCX, 5MB) 
View the Municipal Emergency Management Plan(DOC, 1MB)   

We also undertake the following duties: 

  • regularly inspect properties
  • issue fire prevention notices to non-compliant landowners
  • managing vegetation on our reserves and open spaces
  • review Emergency Management and Fire Prevention Plans
  • promote better fire awareness.

Declaration of Fire Danger Period

Fire Danger Period 2023/20234

The Fire Danger Period is when CFA restricts the use of fire in the community. This is to help prevent fires from starting.

The CFA will advise when the Fire Danger Period for 2023/2024 for the City of Melton commences.

During the fire danger period, property owners are prohibited from lighting fires without a permit during the Fire Danger Period.  

A permit form can be obtained by contacting the Fire Prevention Officer on 9747 7200.

For more information about the Fire Danger Period and what actions are restricted during this period visit the CFA website.

Related Information

General local law 
Country Fire Authority (CFA) 

Preparing your property

Resident responsibilities

Have a plan

Your plan should outline what you and your family will do on a high fire risk day.

Download: Australian Red Cross Rediplan

Clean up

It's really important you keep your property clean and fire-ready during summer.

Free green waste disposal is available during November and December at the Melton Recycling Facility for rate payers.  This service is available to assist landowners with fire season preparation.

For up to date information about preparing for fire visit: CFA Plan & Prepare

Two Streets back

If you live next to grassland and a grass fire starts, walk at least two streets back from the fire.

Leave early

The Fire Danger Rating is your trigger to act.  The higher the rating the more dangerous the situation if a fire starts.

Visit: CFA - About Fire Danger Ratings


Fire Restrictions and Burning Off


Visit the CFA website for information regarding total fire bans and fire danger ratings, for danger period restrictions and finding your fire district.

Warnings, incidents and planned burns are all displayed on the Vic Emergency website, the single location for all emergency information in Victoria.

Local Law

No burning off is permitted on properties under 2 hectares in size.

Permits to burn

Applications for a fire permit must be made through the Fire Permits Victoria website.


If you have an interest in becoming a volunteer visit: